As for the stitching, I messed up the buttonholes because I didn't want to stitch the reinforcement patch to the outside (cos of wrecking the words on the fabric) so I put them on the inside. Then realised I couldn't stitch them in so they looked good enough through the fur so ended up just trimming down to the buttonholes. I added two extra buttons to the design so that the jacket actually closes properly. My fabric was heavy so it just didn't hold closed with only the inner button included on the pattern. The other problem I had was that I had to tack everything rather than pin, because the fabric was too distorted by pins (and the pins got bent!). After adjusting the tension on the sewing machine, it handled the fabric fine, even in 4-6 layers. I don't have a serger - the pattern is really meant to be an easy serger project. My machine overlock stitch is nowhere near neat enough to finish the edges so I blanket stitched in gold-silk wool, which I expect will unravel immediately. James thinks it it very fitting to not only be wearing a blanket, but to have blanket stitched it too.